Greetings! My name is Larry Frost and I began my Tai Chi and Qi Gong journey after a serious illness. Both practices played integral roles in my recovery. After trying a variety of Tai Chi forms, I found my way to
Stephan Berwick in 2007 and have been dedicated to the Chen style ever since. Chen style’s mixture of hard and soft and fast and slow movements reflect the natural rhythms of our bodies, lives, and the world we inhabit.

I first began to learn and practice Qi Gong in early 2000 in Seattle. I tried many different systems before discovering Five Elements Qi Gong in 2021. Its methodology is easy to learn, well suited for all levels of physical ability, and only requires 20-30 minutes of your time.

I take a straightforward approach to both Tai Chi and Qi Gong. I consider consistent and rigorous training to be the quickest and most reliable path to gaining the full benefits of these two practices. 

I teach a free Tai Chi-only class in Madalena do Mar, Madeira, Portugal, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and on Sunday morning in Funchal. I teach a Qi Gong-only class at Madalena do Mar on Wednesday morning.

I am also available for private, in-person Tai Chi and Qi Gong instruction for individuals and small groups, as well as on-line Qi Gong instruction. Please contact me for private instruction scheduling and pricing.

I look forward to meeting and training with you soon!


  • Chen Style Tai Chi and Five Elements Chi Gong are the cornerstones of the training I provide. Each ninety minute class will begin with a short warm-up, followed by standing practice (Zhan Zhuang), silk reeling (Chan-Si) and movement exercises, and then Tai Chi forms practice.

    Beginners start with the Chen 19 Posture Form, then progress as they are ready to the more advanced Chen 38 Posture Form. These are followed by the longer Old Frame Routine One (Liao Jia Yilu) and Old Frame Routine Two (Liao Jia Erlu) forms.

    Classes conclude with approximately thirty minutes of Chi Gong. If they wish, students can choose to only participate in the one hour Tai Chi session, or the half hour Chi Gong session due to time constraints, personal interest, or other factors.

    The language of instruction is English, though I am doing my best to learn Portuguese as quickly as possible.

  • I live on the beautiful island of Madeira and teach free classes in two locations:

    Parque de Santa Catarina, Funchal, 08:00-09:00 on Sunday mornings.

    This class takes place in a lovely plaza inside the children’s playground area at the northeast end of the park, next to the casino. Enter the children’s playground and to the right is a circular concrete area, this is where I hold class.

    There is convenient parking at Plaza Madeira shopping center (free from 07:00-11:00 on Sundays).

    Praia da Madalena do Mar, 08:00-09:00 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (Tai Chi only) and 08:00-09:00 on Wednesday morning (Qi Gong only).

    This class takes place at the pavilion located adjacent to the public parking lot at the Madalena do Mar beach.

    Both venues (Funchal and Madalena do Mar) are outdoors and classes may be cancelled due to bad weather. Please check my Facebook page for cancelations, which will be posted at least one hour prior to class.

    I don’t consider light, occasional rain to be a reason to stop training, so please dress appropriately for the season.

  • I am available for private instruction for individuals and small groups at almost all locations on the island of Madeira. Pricing will vary depending on how far I need to travel, but will always be lower if you can come to me in the Madalena do Mar area. Please email me for more details.

    I can teach Qi Gong online (via Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) if that is more convenient. I only teach Tai Chi in person as it requires more detailed and hands-on instruction.


principles of tai chi

1. Straighten the head

2. Correct position of chest and back

3. Remain relaxed with no tension

4. All movement comes from the center

5. Harmonize the upper and lower parts of the body

6. The entire body moves as a single unit

7. All movements are performed in a smooth manner

8. Maintain a clear distinction between substantial and insubstantial

9. Breathe deeply from your lower belly (dantien) and in harmony with your movement

10. The mind leads the body